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Jessica Barker

Internet of Things Device Security

Here it is folks! Week 3 of Cyber Security Awarness Month 2020, Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart. In our third guidance document of Cyber Security Awareness Month we delve into the hot topic of Internet of Things device security: exploring what the security issues are, case studies and top tips for securing your devices.

You can also catch up on our first two Cyber Security Awareness Month guidance documents below and register to our blog to be the first to receive all of our articles and guides!

  • Week 1 of CSAM we shared Let's Talk Phishing

  • Week 2 of CSAM we published The 1,2,3 of Account Security

Top tips for securing your IoT devices

✅ Check if your IoT device has automatic updates enabled, if it doesn’t then enable updates if you can ✅ The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommend that your password is made up of three well-chosen random words. For example: fogautumngoat. Be sure to include numbers, capital letters & symbols: F0g@utuMnG0@t.

✅ Many IoT devices now offer two-factor authentication, its important you enable this as an added layer of security to help protect you in case the password for your IoT device gets compromised. For more information on passwords and 2FA, read our recent account security guide. ✅ If you receive a communication that you’re not expecting (whether by your IoT device, Whatsapp, email, phone call, SMS message or any other way) that is asking you to do something and makes you feel emotional (rushed, happy, panicked, embarrassed or anything else), be aware this could be social engineering. ✅ When having private conversations, be it for work or personal, be aware of IoT devices that could have a listening feature enabled.

Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart. 💜

Our next CSAM guidance document will go live on the 22nd October! Register to our blog to be the first to receive it!

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