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  • Jessica Barker

What we got up to at Infosecurity, Bsides London and the Cheltenham Science Festival 2019

As always, we had a great time in the first week of June. It may seem like we did a lot at Infosec, Bsides and Cheltenham Science Festival, but this year was actually much more relaxed for us than last year. Somehow, last year we delivered even more, largely because we had the honour of being Guest Curators of the Cheltenham Science Festival.

Back to 2019. Tuesday at Infosec started with FC's packed Geek Street talk on passwords. His talk drew in a massive crowd and covered analysis from cracking nearly a billion passwords and some of the legal connotations. Thanks to Per Thorsheim and Jonathan Armstrong for providing FC with some valuable insights that were included in the presentation.

Meanwhile, Jess was on a panel with Nicola Whiting, Becky Pinkard and Dan Raywood being live-streamed from the Infosec magazine stand. The topic was the language of cyber and you can catch up on it here.

On Wednesday, we had a great day at Bsides London, where Jess co-presented a talk with Kevin Millwood about building and maintaining an effective cybersecurity champions programme. Read more about that talk here.

On Thursday morning, we were back to Infosec where Jess, in her capacity as ClubCISO Chair, co-hosted a workshop with Manoj Bhatt. It was standing-room only in the workshop, which was about security maturity and metrics. Thanks to everyone who came along for engaging in this interactive workshop.

Thursday afternoon it was back to Cheltenham, ready to deliver a demonstration-packed session at the Cheltenham Science Festival, covering live password-cracking, card cloning and finger-print lifting.

Finally, on Friday, Jess was delighted to join Jo Durrant, Dallas Campbell, Jamie Gallager and Jo Verran for a special Cheltenham Science Festival recording of BBC Gloucestershire's Jo Durrant’s Beautiful Universe, live on stage.

Throughout the week, we also got chance to catch up with friends and enjoy some lovely social events, not least #pizzacon and Pulse's Party in the Park.

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