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Jessica Barker

Reflecting on 2019

As 2019 draws to close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on what a year it’s been. Not only have we doubled in size, but we have also moved into a new office to allow for our expansion. All very exciting. We have a brand new look to our online presence too, having launched a new website this year.

People are at the centre of everything we do, because of course, we know that true cybersecurity encompasses digital, physical and human elements. Throughout the year we have spoken face-to-face to over 23,000 people through our awareness raising talks, conference events and demonstrations. Now of course that involves a lot (a lot!) of travel. We’ve been on a total of 56 flights, visited 23 cities, in 12 countries, on 3 continents to deliver and support our clients. We’ve flown the equivalent of over four times around the globe, carbon offsetting our flights as we go. And we really wouldn’t have it any other way.

Our awareness-raising offerings were more popular than ever with clients this year. Cyber Security Awareness Month in October is always super busy for us and this year saw us delivering face-to-face sessions to over 5,000 people that month alone. Some of the amazing feedback from this work is captured here. Undoubtedly, CSAM 2020 will be bigger than ever, with awareness-raising events already in the diary.

Speaking of our people-centric work, we were excited to launch our cultural gap analysis platform, C-gap! If you haven’t already checked it out, make sure you do. C-gap enables us to support our clients as they develop and progress their security cultural change and awareness raising programs. We’re really proud of the new educational video content that we’ve developed for C-gap and are super excited to be releasing the new content in early 2020.

As always, we’ve had an awesome year of media engagements. We’re humbled to be asked to support media outlets with advice and guidance on cybersecurity topics. Over the last 12 months we’ve regularly featured on the TV, radio programmes and in magazines, if you want to listen or read back, please do! As well as that, we’ve featured on many podcasts. Jess was once again listed by SC Magazine as one of the 50 most influential women in cybersecurity in the UK and was delighted to be made Chair of ClubCISO, membership of which has now grown to over 300 senior information security leaders around the world.

As we reflect on 2019, we reflect fondly. We are delighted to work with wonderful clients who have ultimately helped us to grow and develop our team. 2020 is already set to be another exciting year. Jess is keynoting RSA and publishing a book, new C-gap content is in the works, flights are booked to support clients around the world and outreach events are in the planning.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With love Jess, FC and all the team at Cygenta.


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